How to Save Your Sui Gas Bill solar geyser

How to Save Your Sui Gas Bill

Recently price hike in electricity disturbs the monthly budget of the people of Pakistan. Electricity costs doubled and even tripled in summer. Many people think about reducing the bill amount with the proper management of electricity consumption and shifting the load to solar energy.

Winter started in Pakistan, and Sui’s gas consumption increased day by day. Everyone worried about Sui gas Bill. Two major factors affect the bill price of Sui Gas Bill. Consumption of Sui gas plays a vital role in increasing the bill amount. Secondly, a change in slab hits the price of the Bill on the higher side. 

Tips To Reduce Your Sui Gas Bill

We use Sui gas in summer only for cooking, but in winter, Sui gas consumption increases due to room heating and water heating. 

We already mentioned above consumption plays a vital role, so we focus on how to reduce and efficiently manage Sui gas consumption with the help of the following measures:

Cooking management:

Cooking efficiently helps a lot as we already discussed that major consumption based on cooking. If we manage our cooking efficiently and effectively, we will save our cost and time. Here are some tips to manage your cooking at home:

  • Use proper-sized pots and pans that match the burner size to prevent energy waste. 
  • Use lids on pots and pans to cook faster and reduce gas consumption. 
  • Use a pressure cooker instead of traditional methods to cook the food. 
  • Regularly and properly clean your burner and stove.
  • Used flat-bottom pots and pans 
  • To prefer simmering instead of boiling. Simmering consumes less energy and is suitable for many foods. 
  • To cook sufficient food and avoid extra cooking. 
  • Turn off the stove and burner when not used.

Energy efficient appliances:

Upgrading and efficient energy appliances are a significant step towards reducing gas consumption and utility bills. It is also encouraging to see our Government take proactive measures to address the energy challenges faced by the country. The Government of Pakistan focuses on improving the efficiency of gas geysers with the installation of Savor Con devices. Gas geysers are mainly used for water heating in many households. This device helps to keep water hot for a longer time and reduces gas consumption. This device innovation is a collaboration between SNGPL and the University of Engineering and Technology. Geyser Savor con device helps to reduce twenty percent gas consumption and to manage our bills. 

Oil and gas regularity authority of Pakistan to make the installation of geyser savor con devices mandatory for household users. Regularity support ensures encouragement and setting targets for the installation of devices and provides suitable repayment plans for users. 

SNGPL provides door-to-door services to install devices to promote awareness in the household user to manage and control their bills. 

Geyser Timer device: 

A timer device is a tool that is installed in a gas geyser to control the operation. The main function of the device is to manage the schedule when the water geyser turns on or off. With the help of this device, household users can control and optimize the consumption of Gas. This device is useful to avoid unnecessary heating during periods when everyone is far away from home and does not consume hot water. By using this device, users can reduce their consumption and subsequently lower their Gas bills. 

Solar Geysers:

 Using a solar geyser as a substitute or appendage to a Sui gas geyser is an exceptional strategy to reduce gas consumption. Solar geysers utilize sunlight to heat water. This is a renewable energy and environment-friendly solution. Relying on Solar geysers to heat water leads to lower gas consumption and consequently reduces the monthly Bill of sui Gas. Solar geysers are free of energy, and once we install no operational cost is required to use them. It is a clean and green energy solution. Market fluctuation or supply chain did not affect the Gas prices. The Government of Pakistan also offered to provide incentives and subsidy schemes to attract users to install solar geysers. 

Adopting Practices:

To manage your Sui Gas consumption, adopt the practices and preventive measures that contribute to efficient uses of gas resources. Here are some tips to manage your sui gas consumption efficiently. 

Regular maintenance:

Ensure that regularly inspects and maintains gas appliances such as heaters, Stove, and Geysers. Regular maintenance can improve its efficiency and reduce Gas consumption. 

Regularly check Leakage:

Properly check any leakage. If you doubt about any leakage, confirm it and resolve the issue immediately.

Use energy-efficient and upgraded appliances:

Ensure to use upgraded and compatible appliances and ranked Government appliances such as Geysers, heaters, and stoves will consume less Sui gas. 

Use other option to reduce the consumption of Sui Gas

Use another option to wear warm clothes, jackets, Soaks, and sweaters and cover yourself with wool shal instead of relying on a heating system. Layering clothes keeps you warm without using any heating system. Purchasing warm stuff is a one-time investment and more cost-effective than continuously relying on gas heaters, which consume Gas. 

Purchase wool and thermal material in winter to retain body heat. Wear shawls and wrap yourself when you go outside or sit in the room. By using these practices, you can manage personal warmth in the winter season and take the benefit of less consumption of gas heaters. 

Turn off the heater in the daytime and spend to utilizing sunlight. This approach not only helps to reduce energy costs but also gives the advantage of taking natural sunlight, which has various health benefits. Sunlight can naturally maintain the temperature and provide us with a comfortable and cozy environment without using any heating system that consumes Sui gas.  

By adopting the above-mentioned tips and strategies, you can efficiently and effectively manage your Sui Gas Consumption and cost reduction in your Bill. Further continued and collective efforts to explore additional energy efficiency and conservative strategies will contribute to the overall success of the Sui gas resources consumption at home. 

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